Let bars of Iron not bind its mind to be another Man Cow.
Or touch the burning brand of Adam to its Shining Brow
So few are born like it with the Third Eye.
Goddesses Ceridwen's special gift, the Awen of Why.
Be it born a She or He the Druid Soul carieth not a Jot.
For it is not the sex that has cast this special child"s sacred Lot.
But in its Blood there is an invisible third stand of cosmic DNA.
The Ancient Oak's hidden Gift to the Druid's Soul Way.
And with it, a Child is born in the knowledge of the Ley.
This rare blood carries special kinship to all that's wild or pagus still alive Today.
To it Awen flows down from the ancient and sacred Oak that Groves.
Only in the far off lost lands of the Fae.
Where they guard its ancient life each Night to Day.
Through all five seasons of the mystic Dark and Light.
From those on Earth born to the ancient evil Way.
Yet still rule over man, even to this very modern Day.
Their goal to cut down this Ancient and sacred Oak.
And of its wood, finish Humanities final Yoke.
To gain ultimate power for them there is no other Way.
Still as long a Druid child is born and remembers ancient Ley.
A blind and lost Humanity will remain somewhat free for another Day.
If this tale rings deep in the well of mind for You.
Doubt not its flash of strange but sweet Awen.
As Goddess Ceridwen has blessed your tongue with just a drop or Two.
And she need not to give reference to old Men with Silk and Bordered Robes
That used the wood from our sacred Groves to feed the fires of their Roman Globes.
The Druid King
Copyrite George King February 22, 2013