

Soul Pearls, the Tears of the Soul

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pagus Heartbeat -Walking along the Local Ley in the Witching Switching Hour. 03-01-2012

Pagus Heartbeat

Have you ever noticed how sometimes on a late and quite night that the energy of the Ley almost seems asleep?

Or perhaps because of another calling, into the Earth the sacred stream has tunneled deep.

After all it is the work of our Pagus Goddess not that of Man that the Ley does keep.

And after Man has come and gone neither Goddess or the Ley I am sure will weep.

For Men has become the Poison of the Earth with so much destruction. Of its sacred care, we did not keep.

 So if you can, walk upon your local Ley and of the Pagus Earth and try to feel its heart beat.

 Sing the songs of times gone bye when in good faith, Men with Nature's ways, truly did keep.

 Perhaps then in the Ley our Souls may once again travel and the Goddess meet even if only as we sleep.

The Druid King

Copyright 03-01-2012 George King

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Walking along the Ley during the Witching Switching hour. Ode to the Wind

Ode to the Wind

As I walk along the Ley during the Witching Switching hour, all the tress are in gentle sway and I feel the wind that has come out to Play.

 The Stars all hidden behind the veil of a glowing silver cover of cloud, North to south East to West cloud and wind rules the night Today.

The gentle wind whispers to me, of all the far off places it has been.

And offers me a chance to fly with it, like times of old, once again.

All I have to do is cast off this mortal coil and like the wind immortal I shall be.

Oh to be able once more, to touch the morning sky and travel from sea to sea.

But I say with heavy yet happy heart no, for now I must keep this old body of skin.

In a few decades I promise you old friend I will be but dust and we will ride again.

The Druid King

Copyright 02-26-2012 George King

Friday, February 24, 2012

Soul Mates written in heart feed ink

We were lovers in the Soul and in the Skin.

 We were lovers under the Moon light knowing no Sin.

 We were lovers in the Dawn as the day Begins

 We were lovers in the Beginning and lovers in the End.

 As the Wheel of rebirth turns.

We will be lovers reborn once again.

 The Druid King

Copyright February 24, 2012 George King


Coffee is in the Cauldron, written in sparkling firelight red ink.

Coffee is in the Cauldron may we are share as Body and Soul we do bare. Here in the firelight of our hidden Hearthstone.

 Tribe and Family of our choice, .in perfect love and perfect trust. No ashamed of how we feel or even of our burning lust.

 For Body needs Body and Soul Needs Soul, as in our arms we each other hold. While in our magick, dance the Goddesses and Gods of forgotten times so old.

 They have come to our great circle from four corners of the earth. North West South and East each in love to join our feast.

 Wearing nothing but Earth Fire Air and Water as both Women Man Goddesses and Gods now all Sky Clad bee.

 As we the last of the Witches and Druids dance around the scared fire and our Ancient OAK Tree.

 The Druid King

 Copyright February 24, 2012 George King

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Wondering Old Druid and the Wolfs.

Tales of The Wondering Old Druid.

 Once upon a time in a land long ago.
There wondered an old Druid all through the lands many realms.

One one such trip to the land many claimed to be most fair. As he climbed up a hill above a deep green valley.

He noticed a large Wolf looking hungrily at a herd of over weight Sheeple down in the green valley.

Now this was not to odd as Wolfs were all over the realms. And oh how they did love fat Sheeple.

What was odd was the wolf was laying down next to someone wearing the uniform of Guardian of the Realm.

Who was busy sharping a long knife. Behind him were many other Wolfs and Guardians.

Some building fires and others hauling really big pots and buckets of water toward the newly started fires.

None were being quite or hiding from the view of the Sheeple.

The noise of banging pots, the smell of fire and of Wolfs filled the air on this calm day.

Slowly the old Druid skirted around them as he slipped quitely down Ito the green valley .

The Grass was very rich and thick and muffed his foot steps as he passed into the center of the herd of Sheeple.

 When at last him came to what was the biggest Sheeple in the herd, that surly must have been its leader.

 For a rich gold chain hung around its neck a ribbons of honor were tied in its thick soft fur.

It also seemed to be in the spot with the sweetest grass from how loud and hard it was chewing.

At last the after looking all around at the sheeple, all with their heads down and their mouths full of grass.

 The Druid said with a whisper there are Wolfs in hills!

No one seemed to hear, so louder he said there are Wolfs in the Hills.

Still no one seem to hear or maybe care.

So at last he shouted there are Wolfs in the Hills and they are in Kahoots with your Guardians of the Realm.

 At last the head Sheeple stopped eating long enough to say without lifting his head

 Wolfs what Wolfs, their are no Wolfs in this Realm we have Guardians hired to keep them at bay.

 So slowly the old Druid following the almost invisible trail to the next Realm said with a loud sight.

 Wolfs Wolfs indeed surly there are no Wolfs to see or anything fear when you eat the weed that dumbs the mind of honest sight and drugs the soul from fear.

 The Druid King

Copy Right 02-14-2012 George King

Monday, February 13, 2012

Shooting Star: Written in the Heavens Fiery Red Passions ink.

To Janice.

 Life is but a Shooting Star. So I burn brightly as across the heavens as I streak.

And upon my death feed the sweet earth beneath our feet.

And if by chance a fair maidens true wish upon me, I have choose to keep.

 Among the Stars reborn again both you I shall surly meet.

 For true love is the oxygen of both man and stars you see.

Feeding the fires of passion in our hearts to forge its scared key.

Once forged in the Stars now and forever you shall be with me.

 The Druid King

Words: Written in a ink of beach colored sand.

 Your pearls cast upon the sands are as hard to find as yesterdays tide.
So write in stone and as cold as it may be, tomorrows heart may kiss the stone.
Bringing your words to light and life for yet another day.

 Even as your Muse sees the world through glasses made of tears.
And cat crying at your leg is like a hungry baby in your ears.
Yet our hearts soulful truths we really must not hide.

 For Life and and Love will come again like the never ending tide.
As long as the Goddess Moon lights our nights and is our guide.

The Druid King

 Copy Right 02-13-2012 George King

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tilting at Life's Windmills:

Once upon a time, a small group of souls were travelling through the old lands when they came upon an old Windmill still turning in the wind.
They watch it for a little while and at last they began to speak.

 First the Accountant said, I wonder if they got a good return on their investment, did they get a tax break?

 Then the Engineer said with a sneer. Hell an electric motor could do a better job any day..

 Quickly Once upon a time, a small group of souls were travelling through the old lands when they came upon an old Windmill still turning in the wind.the Environmentalist cried but its Green Technology and the Wind is Free.

 Baa Humbug the Politician said, Green is for the birds and nothing is really free. Give me good old Coal, as he smiled, thoughts of campaign donations filling his mind..

 Now Psychiatrist shaking his head spoke. I wonder if you are all crazy and just see your own Dragons turning in the wind.

 At last they all stared at the Burjo watchings the windmill slowly turn. Ok oh great Druid or Psychic Witch whatever you be. Pray tell us poor normal mortals here what the hell do you see?

 Laughing one soul said oh I bet he thinks he sees the Wind and great roar passed through the others.

 At last the Burjo said with a sad sigh. No man sees the wind, but by its actions we all know it is there.

 I see the Sun God, kissing the Goddess Earth and giving to us all, hidden blessing and power if we will only raise our sails and ride the Magick in the Wind.

 The Druid King

Copy Right 02-09-2012 George King