

Soul Pearls, the Tears of the Soul

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Child of the Oak's Moon.

Spring's play is Winter Pay.

Sap has gone to Root.

Winter's Coldest yet to come. 

Perhaps a child for Fairies Queen. 

Eyes of ice and heart of stone.

Frigga's Tears can not atone.

Fair Badar's Doom.

Mistletoe on Loki's evil loom.

Beware of the child born on Oak's Moon.

Moon Rising 

Coprright George King November, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013


And when the Net is gone and lights won't come on.

Oh for books those still alive will so long.

As we do today for what did the Druids once had to say.

No Books no time Machine

So Quill your Parchment and Guard it well.

It will be all that is left when Tech falls to Hell.


Curse of the Watch Towers and the Fae:

When the last Druid has gone away.

The Sun shall not Rise or Set in the day.

Moon shall not pull the tides of the bay.

Life will burn and Freeze in perpetual Night and Day.

The Sidhe shall never again glide down the Ley.

At last the Old Curse is done when there is no True Druid left to hold it a bay.

No one will pray For there will never be another Day.

Moon will have Set

Tower of Babel be long gone.

I am one once again and we shall not come back for Skin.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Storm and the Ley.

The Storm howl's in across the bay.
Strong Wind blows down road and Ley.

Shouting Shouting everywhere its been.
Dancing with Fae dJinn and Other-Kin.

Now whispers it will be back for me and we will travel the World's great Ley
When I am but ash and blowing dust on a dark  gray winter's day.

Moon Rising