

Soul Pearls, the Tears of the Soul

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Our New Tribes

The Monarch of the Glen, Edwin Landseer, 1851.png
The Monarch of the Glen 1851by Sir Edwin Landseer.

"I am the Deer from the Woods.

I am the Science from the Fire.

I am the One that makes the Old Ways New.

And our New Ways that will become Old."


Copyright George King 01-02-2017
Part of a very odd dream of the forming of so many new tribes in our societies to survive the coming storms.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

A Ship with a Broken Bottle

Image by kai kalhh from Pixabay

I sit like a Ship with a Broken Bottle and Cry.

For those who made me, never let me touch the Sky.

Or ever ever taste the Sea.

But to just sit on the Mantel and Pretty be.

And now life, like a Maschives Cat, has broken my Bottle.

And those that once sang my Praise and Admired me.

Have into the trash Launched me to Be.

On my Own, All Alone.

Soon to Sail into mysteries, that no Ship would ever want to see.


Copyright George King 06/08/2019

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Memories, Vietnam in 1960,s.

PRC-25 in harness with accesories

A SS razor blade taped between your dog tags as the last resort.

A colt 45, never far from reach, locked and loaded under your head every night.

Its barrel with a touch of rust from tasting in on two many dark nights, as a quick way out.

An M14 to heavy to carry for months on end with the Radio and spare batteries, in the heat that seemed like it would never end.

Red clay mud everywhere worms in the water and your gut. Quinine every day to hide the truth of what was in your Blood.

A silent goodbye to your friends each time you or they went into the field. No, you never expected to see each other again this side of Hell or Summerlands.
Memories, so many deaths so far away, yet so close, like flies around a hot cup of hell.


Thursday, April 25, 2019


To all our Friends, Bruised and Battered.
Torn or Tattered.
Sick or Poor.
Confused or Lost.
May the coming days be better.
Your Heart and Soul be Light.
Your step, strong and sure.
Your cup and cupboard be full.
Blessing from the Druids.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Do Warriors Cry?

Image by Roland Nikrandt from Pixabay

March 30, 2017 ·

When we were young, we trained not to cry but to fight and die.

Then we went to war and saw so many many die.

And we were forced to ask why oh why.

How in our harden heart we wished we could cry.

It took years as a 'Druid Sky Pilot' to relearn to cry.

Yet, it is still hard but I know bloody why.

When you kill your humanity for the Dark Side.

Go to War, glad to fight, without a care of who is right.

But live to come back and walk in the light.

Deep in your heart and soul, it is still forever night.

TDK (c) George King 03302017