

Soul Pearls, the Tears of the Soul

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mataha Druii

The Sun is bright but speaks only to the Leaves.

The Moon is mysterious but speaks only to the Roots.

The Moray Eel is shy quick and deadly but speaks only to the Soul.

The Mataha Druid is Old and perhaps even wise.
Shy like the Moray, has heard the songs of Sun and Moon.

Knows the depths of Sky and Sea and carries the feather of Summerland's way.

Yet He or She teaches few, for rare are those that would fair pay.
And our Ley is old our way even older, our woods dark and deep.

Yet the path without a sign was never free nor shall it ever be.

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright George King December 2014