

Soul Pearls, the Tears of the Soul

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Druid's Root written in faded brown ink of tannin gall.

The Oak weeps with the Willow

For the Withered  Root of the Druid's

Now just a Dandelion

In today's grass that is unkind

A pretty flower weed to most

Not the Mighty Oaks of our ancient boost.

Tar and Assfault cover the Ley

Concrete crumples were once the Fae did play.

Earplugs and Ipod help keep Nature away.

The only Magick we have is on the Blue-Ray

Tears of Druidia turn Crystal in our Adders Lay

Yet some Stones still stand as we to once did tall in Far Yesterday.

TDK / The Druid King

(c) George King  (except for images) 2014