

Soul Pearls, the Tears of the Soul

Monday, August 22, 2011

I meet the Devil the other day: Written in Dirty Teabag Brown Ink

I meet the Devil the other day, said he was on his way, to help his favorite politicians Play.

I ask him why he cared so much about who runs things up here Today.

So he tells that when jobs are gone and fear is on, there is a better market for his Dope.

And people will sell both body and soul or go to war for so little when there is no Hope.

 Because I have both Fear and Hate running most that claim to control God's Gate.

But you Druids and your Heathen , Pagan friends are just to hard to Bait.

And then he says with a smile to Damn Bad you P.H.D.s get to Vote.

Dedicated to all that fight evil and try to keep Life's boat Afloat.
With their Magick,  unending Voices and their Vote.

The Druid King.

Copyright August 22, 2011


Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Soul's Alchemy: Written in Golden Blinding Hot Ink.

Passion is the Spark, that often lights the Soul's Fires.
As they flare up, the hot  flames engulfing our Desires.

Still we know, the flames of passion can not forever Last.
But it is what we choose to Forge, in this heated consuming Blast.

As we pour the Alchemic melt,  of true soul's gold into our lives hard shaped Mold.
The winds of life's lived adversity's  blow forever cold and with age we grow so Old .

Then comes the trip to SummerLand and this one live's Mold is forever Broken.
Releasing to our eternal Soul another hard earned and learned , Golden Token.

Till centuries later when the Soul's purse has become oh so full, that we can  pay the Goddess's creation Bill.
At last we too now join the Gods and Goddesses in the great  Forever Never with true and complete free Will.

The Druid King

Dedicated to our many and often painful lives and to let all know the Druids true Golden Goal.

Copyright August, 19, 2011 George King

Monday, August 15, 2011

Love's Change: Written in Silver Shimmering Ink.

The Sea gives its water to the Sky. The Sky Gives it to the Ground. Does the rain drops know that they may become a great Tree?
Do you know what you could become when you touch Me?
A frozen Heart of Ice is unchanging, a safe a thing of beauty, for all too See. 
But to love it must melt, for hot passion is it's only Key
Your heart is frozen, a bright Jewel of sparkling ice. I long to touch it with my fiery desires, but what would become of Thee.
You surly would melt in my arms, and when the steam of our passions was all gone, who or what would we Be?
We must both give up our self's to love's fiery transformation, that special Alchemy that makes gold from the Sea.
Or go  our separate ways, often looking back with a secret tear, never knowing what we gave up to fear, that day, so willingly.
The Druid King
Dedicated to all that dared to love and lose instead of being so safe but old and sorry.  The Goddess has surely touched your souls.
Copyright August,15, 2011 George King

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The S.H. Master: Written in Black soft ink.

Hi My name is Mr. Bat.
I'm just a little Black Cat.
I was born with a really big set of Fangs.
So Mama called me Bat, boy that Hangs.
Because I never grew up and am so very very  Small.
I was afraid of everything, even a shadow in the Hall.
Then one night, the Goddess taught me the art of S.H. with her magick Ball.
Now I am a proud S.H. Master and  go everywhere with my tail held Tall.
So if you want to be a S.H. Master, get some Tuna and give me a Call.
If you pay in Tuna and ask the secret of S.H. really nice, I may teach it All.
We will meet outside under the Full Moon and our tails can Twist.
Then I will give you the Goddess kiss and teach you to Super Hiss.
Dedicated to Bat the little Black Cat, that knows it always taste better in the other Cat's  bowl.  I think he was the first Tea Bagger.
The Druid King
Copyright August 9, 2011 George King

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Day The Music Cried: Written in Green and Red ink.

The Day The Music Cried: Written in Green and Red ink.

It was a solemn  day across the world  and even the Moon.
The whole world had come to bury their loved ones in their final Tomb.

Great Nations had millions of coffins that were  filled and ready on that awful Day.
Huge Mountains they would make when covered in, grass. On top at the Moon, the new Wolfs would Bay.  

Many others cursed this plague of death and burned their loved  in mass fires that filled the whole Sky.
But most could not bear to see their loved ones hurt so in Green and Silver  coffins they would said their final Goodby.

With pomp and great ceremony the UN's Premier would lay the final one to Rest.
Satellites sent the pictures world wide and as the world watched, all knew it was for the Best.  

Now the shining golden shovel, flag draped, was handed to a frail widow oh so Proud.
She was the last US President and as she accepted it a great cheer went through the Crowd.

It was The Day The Music Cried!
It was the Day the US Dollar Died!

The Druid King
Copyright August 4, 2011 George King

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Dark Lord and the Red Star written in Midnight Black Ink

The Dark Lord and the Red Star written in Midnight Black Ink

You gather your children is gleaming  armor from sea to shining Sea
To serve The Red Star, oh of them all, you are so proud to Be.

While at home for many, little food, drink or any care there is to See.
For all the realm's coin is spent serving the Red Star, surly justice there must Be.

Now far away on distant shores, your Sons and Daughters dance with with the Dark Lord for a Turn.
Till at last he gives them his sweet kiss, then back flag draped they return in an Urn.

So of the precious fruit from your thighs, that you all so willing you Gave. 
Now with Parade, Pomp and false pride you send to the Grave.

While all along the Red Star, Mars or War said to be his Name.
And the Dark Lord, King of Death, your children plan to Claim.

The Dark Lord and Red Star toast each other in of cups of young blood and drink to the Game.
Laughing at your so pompous and false pride, as really you should be hanging your heads in Shame.

Yes it is true that only our Lady Fate, rolls the Dark Lord's deadly Dice.
But in the game of War it's only your children's blood that must always pay the Price.

The Druid King

Dedicated to  the Young that the Old always send to the, Just and Noble Wars, there by keeping the Dark  Lord and Red Start entertained.  As always Greed  drives these Wars, lead by the Rich but Insane.  Still  take small comfort in the fact that "Death only Hurts the Living."  TDK

Copyright August 2, 2011 George king