I meet the Devil the other day, said he was on his way, to help his favorite politicians Play.
I ask him why he cared so much about who runs things up here Today.
So he tells that when jobs are gone and fear is on, there is a better market for his Dope.
And people will sell both body and soul or go to war for so little when there is no Hope.
Because I have both Fear and Hate running most that claim to control God's Gate.
But you Druids and your Heathen , Pagan friends are just to hard to Bait.
And then he says with a smile to Damn Bad you P.H.D.s get to Vote.
Dedicated to all that fight evil and try to keep Life's boat Afloat.
With their Magick, unending Voices and their Vote.
The Druid King.
Copyright August 22, 2011